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Issue: 788 Date: 09/29/2005
Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal Addresses National Grassroots Organization
BURLINGTON, VT -- This past weekend, Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal joined Democracy for America (DFA) members from across the country for a weekend seminar in Burlington, Vermont. In her address, Rep. Chappelle-Nadal discussed her campaign for the Missouri State House last year and the impact of Democracy for America's endorsement on her candidacy.

"I can honestly say, if it weren't for Democracy for America, I wouldn't be an elected official today," said Chappelle-Nadal. "DFA not only helped draw attention and garner support for my race, but they also legitimized me as a person and as a candidate. I humbly thank them for their continued support."

During her address, Rep. Chappelle-Nadal also stressed the importance of voter inclusion and increased diversity within her community and throughout the state of Missouri. Other speakers included, Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America and Paul Hackett, congressional candidate for Ohio's 2nd District.

Last year, Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal was one of the first "Dean Dozen" candidates endorsed by Democracy for America and Gov. Howard Dean in the 2004 election cycle.

Democracy for America is a political action committee dedicated to building a grassroots network of fiscally responsible and socially progressive activists and candidates running for all levels of office. Through the use of grassroots tactics, coalition building strategies, activist trainings and online support, DFA is giving ordinary people the power to reform their political system.

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