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Two local teens win International Chinese Kung Fu Championship
10th Annual Chinese International Chinese Kung Fu Championships held in Orlando, Florida (May 23th-25th, 2008) results:. Attending were Sifu Justin and his 3 students: Jason (Sifu's 15 year old son), Jardena (Sifu's 17 year old private student and teaching assistant), Carolina Sanchez (Sifu Justin's Spanish speaking student from Chile) and Sifu Herb Parran and his 2 students Bruce Hardy and Troy Holloway. Jason and Jardena won Gold medals in Adult Advanced Push Hands, which makes them National Champions. One of the tournament officials said they made history as the 2 youngest competitors to ever win a national championship in aduld/advance push hands competition. There are only a few national Chinese Martial Arts Championships in the U.S. today, so this event was important. Over 1000 competitors came from as far away as China, Russia, Italy, France, Spain, Columbia, S.A., Brazil, Canada and Puerto Rico.
In a stunning upset victory worthy of a Karate Kid movie remake, two local teens competed in the 10th Annual Kung Fu Championship, held over Memorial Day in Orlando Florida and won 1st places in Men's and Women's Push Hands Competitions. Push Hands is a kind of grappling or Judo like competition where the object is to unbalance your opponent using his own force against him or to push or throw them out of a ring. Jardena Green,17, and Jason Rice Meehan, 15, took on all competitors, including former national champions many years their senior both in age and experience, to become the "New" Taiji Push Hands Champions in both men and women's divisions. Tournament directors said that the double win by two St. Louis City teenagers from the same Taiji school in an Advanced Adult Push Hands competition in a nationally recognized tournament was an historic first. Jason is an honor student athlete at Webster Groves High School and Jardena is a student at Forest Park Community College. Both students give credit to their teacher, Sifu Justin. "He's the best", they both agreed
Final results:
Taiji Form competition (performing HunYuan Taiji)
Beginner Combined (Men & Women) Chen Style Form Competition;Carolina Sanchez - 2nd place - silver medalBeginner Combined (Men & Women) Other Style Form CompetitionCarolina Sanchez - 3rd place - bronze medal
Intermediate Combined Chen Style Form CompeitionBruce Hardy - 2nd place - silver medalJardena -3rd place bronze medal
Intermediate Combined Other Style Form CompetitionJardena - 3rd place - bronze medal
Advanced Adult Push Hands Competition
Womens Fixed StanceJardena - 1st place - gold medal
Men's Fixed StanceJason - 2nd place - silver medal
Women's Restricted StepJardena - 1st place - gold medal
Men's Restricted StepJason - 3rd place - bronze medal
Women's Moving Free StyleJardena - 1st place - gold medal
Men's Moving Free StyleJason - 1st place - gold medal
The International Chinese Martial Arts Championship
The International Chinese Martial Arts Championship is the largest Chinese martial arts tournament in North America, organized by Master Nick Scrima of Dunedin, FL. Master Scrima began the tournament in 1998, and since then it has grown rapidly into a full-scale international competition, with well over a thousand competitors of all ages and skill levels.
Master Scrima had successful beginnings as a tournament promoter while still in Ohio. He was one of the first masters to promote an all-Chinese martial arts tournament in the United States, and the first in Ohio, with the Great Lakes Kung Fu Championship. After moving to Florida and traveling around the country with his competition team, Master Scrima decided to organize the International Chinese Martial Arts Championship. The tournament has grown steadily over the years into the largest Chinese martial arts tournament in North America, attracting record numbers of students and masters alike. The "who's who" of Chinese martial arts have all been present at the tournament at some point in time, and the 9th Annual Championship will be featured in an issue of Inside Kung Fu. Due to its continued growth, the tournament has become an invitational event, so as to maintain the high standards for which it is renown.
The Championship features a wide array of Chinese martial arts styles, with all types of forms competition and fighting. There are divisions for Northern and Southern external styles, Tai Chi, other internal styles such as Xing Yi and ba Gua, and far more. Over the years, we have had point sparring, continuous fighting, push hands, full-contact fighting, and submission grappling. Competitors are all ages and skill levels - beginner and expert, young and old. Those who excel highest in their art and skill level earn the title of Grand Champion.